GlasWeld Swindon

Services Offered:

GlasWeld Swindon provides mobile Windscreen Repair, Glass Scratch Repair and Headlight Restoration service at a place convenient to you.

Local Technician

GlasWeld Swindon's local technician is Mike Twine

Direct Telephone Number:
07552 590970

Get in Touch

What is your question regarding?

What service are you interested in?

Is your question about a windscreen already damaged?

Is your question in relation to a particular vehicle’s headlights?

What is the vehicle's make and model?

What kind of windscreen damage needs fixing?

What is your question?

Do you have any further details or questions for us?

Please describe the damage and the item that needs glass scratch repair?

What service do your require, or questions do you have?

Lastly, to help us direct your enquiry to the best person, and get back in touch with you, please provide your name, location and contact details:

Thank you. We have passed on your request and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Please note that enquiries dealt with by Head Office will be during business hours, Monday - Friday.

Unfortunately, there was a problem and we have been unable to pass on your message.

You may like to try again later, or call us on 0800 243 274.

Coverage Area

Swindon will come to you in the following areas:


Feedback / Comments

Chris came to my house and did a brilliant job in restoring the headlights on my Porsche 911 Carerra. It\'s about 10 years old and the headlights were showing their age. Once Chris had finished it\'s like my car\'s had a facelift!! Taken years off it. Very pleased. Wouldn\'t hesitate to recommend Chris to you. Huw Mellor
I used GlasWeld for a stone chip and crack on my panoramic roof. Extremely efficient, helpful and an outstanding and very reasonable service. Highly recommend Chris for any windscreen repairs!

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